Welcome to 100 Espressos!
The story of 100 Espressos began in May 2022, because I wanted to drink better coffee at home. I did some research and ordered an espresso machine and five varieties of ground coffee. None of them tasted any good. I then bought another two varieties of ground coffee from a different roaster and my body did not agree with either of them. This unpleasant experience made me realise that the people who knew how to brew coffee were right and the grind size did matter. So I bought a grinder. It has taken me a while to find the right settings for the first bag of coffee beans, but the results were rather pleasing. When I bought a bag of a different variety of coffee I noticed that the previous settings did not produce the same result. So I adjusted them and was able to enjoy really good espresso again. I recorded both settings in a spreadsheet and a thought struck me that there may be more people in a similar situation, so why not share my experiences with others? I bought the domain and here we are.
Unless stated otherwise, all content on this site is Copyright © 2022 Jacek Artymiak. Photos by Jack Gregory.
Ethics Statement
Unless stated otherwise, all products and services mentioned on this site were bought using my own money.