Canelés of Bordeaux (Babelle)

Espresso can be an experience that doesn’t need a support act. Specialty coffee can provide plenty of such moments, but everyone needs something to accompany a shot of coffee from time to time. The default reaction to such cravings would be to reach out for a biscuit, but what if we’ve already had a few and want something else?

I find canelés to be a particularly good companion for the more chocolatey, nutty coffees. They seem to be made for espresso, they are the size of an espresso cup and have that dark brown colour that matches the colour of your espresso better than a Pantone colour scientist ever could.

The best canelés in London are made by Babelle. They are sold in a number of shops around the city, but I usually buy them from the Monmouth Coffee Company’s shop in Monmouth Street in London. If you haven’t had them before, you are in for a treat, especially if you order one (or two) with a cup of Monmouth Espresso.

They are also a very well-behaved pastry that does not fall into a million crumbs the moment you touch it, so you can eat them on the go. But why would you when you can sit down and take your time to enjoy you canelé?


You can get them in London from Babelle or from Monmouth Coffee in Monmouth Street, London, UK.


  • Your fingers

  • Your mouth


Red Brick (Square Mile Coffee Roasters)


Italian Style (Waitrose)