Monte Bonito (Low Tide Coffee Co)

Portchester is not quite the first place you think of when you think of coffee, but things may change. I would probably not have taken interest in that place were it not for my good friend Daniel who sent me a bag of Monte Bonito by Low Tide Coffee Co. What the good people of Portchester bring to the espresso cup is one of the best takes on caramel. Now, hear me out. Caramel is often and for a good reason described as “things that go brown but still taste good” (James Hoffman), because it is often used to describe things that the roaster struggled to name. Not here.

Monte Bonito offers a lovely caramel that tastes of the kind of homemade caramel you used to make with sugar and it came out burnt but tasted damn good. That’s the sugar cane note. Tamp it lightly and you will get it to grow for 26s at grind setting 3, which is unusual for specialty coffees, probably the one that produces the best tasting espresso. Grinding it at 2 or 1 robs it of the fizzy orange note. If you go for those grind settings, make sure you tamp very lightly as brewing times will be closer to 28s and 30s.


Just go for grind setting 3.


Monte Bonito is available online.



East End Blend (Department of Coffee and Social Affairs)


Haiti (Domestique Coffee)